A gigantic decorative scarecrow stands atop a pile of hay bales and pumpkins, marking the center of the fairgrounds.
The fair is composed of five distinct areas. Which part of the fair would you like to explore?
[[The Corn Maze]]
[[The Hay Ride]]
[[The Vendor Stalls]]
[[The Concession Area]]
[[The Pumpkin Patch]]
(if: $decoration is 1 AND $decoratedpumpkin is 0)[[[I'm ready to leave the fair.->Forgot Your Pumpkin]]](else:)[[[I'm ready to leave the fair.->Go Home]]]Leaves crunch under your feet as you approach the booth.
The ticket booth is a weather-worn wooden structure, clearly having seen quite a few festivals before this one but still standing tall. A large hand-painted wooden sign above the window reads "TICKETS" in pretty lettering. A smaller sign made of smooth cardstock, taped to the side of the window, reads "Online Reservations."
Tall grass and weeds grow right up to the bottom of the structure. A few pumpkins decorate the ground in front of the booth.
A cheerful attendant greets you. "Welcome to the fair! What's your name?"
[["My name is..."->Ticket]](set: $name to (prompt: "Enter your name:"))"$name? Is that your first name?"
[["Yes, that's correct."->Yes, that's correct]]
[["No, my first name is..."->No, my name is]]You approach the corn maze.
[[Enter the maze.->Maze 1]]
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]You climb up onto the wagon and sit on top of a bale of hay. You place a hand onto the scratchy substance, twiddling a piece of hay between your fingers.
Once everyone is on, the wagon starts moving across the grassy field. The wagon shifts and jostles you from side to side slightly as it moves.
(if: $hayride is 0)[You look around and spot a flock of geese flying in V formation above you.](else:)[You look up at the vast blue sky.]
The wagon approaches a forest at the edge of the field.
[[You enter the forest.->Forest]]There are several stands with a variety of seasonal snacks and drinks.
What would you like to get?
[[Pumpkin Spice Kettle Corn]]
[[Apple Fritters]]
[[Candy and Caramel Apples]]
[[Hot Apple Cider]]
[[Hot Chocolate]]
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]There are booths and stalls with goods ranging from pastries to artwork to hand woven clothing. A baker sells pumpkin bread, apple turnovers, and oatmeal cookies. One vendor sells handmade corn husk dolls. Another has dozens of paintings of autumn landscapes on display. A couple is selling hand woven scarves and shawls.
A man in a straw boater hat stands next to a large game wheel. "Step right up and spin the wheel for a chance to win a free prize!" he says.
There's also a face painting stand off to the side. It looks like there are a few different designs to choose from.
[[Spin the wheel.->Game of Chance]]
[[Visit the face painting stand.->Face Painting Stand]]
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]Pumpkins of various shapes and sizes cover the ground. (if: $pumpkin is 0 AND $decoration is 0)[Which one do you want to take home with you?
[[The little one that almost fits in the palm of your hand.->Small Pumpkin]]
[[A medium-size pumpkin.->Medium Pumpkin]]
[[The biggest one they have.->Large Pumpkin]]
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]](else:)[
[[Enter the pumpkin decorating pavilion.->Pumpkin Decorating Pavilion]]
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]]"Wonderful, I see your name right here." She passes you a ticket. "By the way, your ticket includes one free pumpkin. Just go to the pumpkin patch when you're ready to pick it out. Have fun!"
(set: $ticket to $ticket+1)
You thank her and step away from the booth.
[[Walk over to the main entrance.->Main Entrance]](set: $name to (prompt: "Enter your first name:")) "Ah, $name. I see your name right here." She passes you a ticket. "By the way, your ticket includes one free pumpkin. Just go to the pumpkin patch when you're ready to pick it out. Have fun!"
(set: $ticket to $ticket+1)
You thank her and step away from the booth.
[[Walk over to the main entrance.->Main Entrance]]An old man takes your ticket, punches it, and hands it back to you. "Enjoy!"
(set: $ticketpunches to $ticketpunches+1)
[[Head inside.->Fair Center]]There's nothing but corn as far as the eye can see.
Which way do you go?
[[Left->Maze 2]]
[[Right->Maze 3]]
[[Back->The Corn Maze]](if: $kcvoucher >0)["Ah, I see you have a voucher for a free kettle corn," the vendor says. The vendor takes a metal scoop and fills a paper bag with kettle corn. "Here you go!"
(set: $kcvoucher to $kcvoucher-1)(set: $kettlecorn to $kettlecorn+1)
[[Back.->The Concession Area]]](else:)["Would you like to buy some kettle corn?" the vendor asks.
[["Yes."->Buy KC]]
[["No, thank you."->The Concession Area]]](if: $afvoucher >0)["Ah, I see you have a voucher for a free apple fritters," the vendor says. The vendor fills a small bag with apple fritters and hands it to you. "Enjoy!"
(set: $afvoucher to $afvoucher-1)(set: $applefritters to $applefritters+1)
[[Back.->The Concession Area]]](else:)["Would you like to buy some apple fritters?" the vendor asks.
[["Yes."->Buy AF]]
[["No, thank you."->The Concession Area]]]The vendor hands you a bright red candy apple. "Here you go!"
(set: $candyapple to $candyapple+1)
[[Back.->The Concession Area]](if: $acvoucher >0)["Ah, I see you have a voucher for a free apple cider," the vendor says. The vendor carefully fills a small cup, presses on the lid, and hands it to you. "Be careful, it's hot!"
(set: $acvoucher to $acvoucher-1)(set: $applecider to $applecider+1)
[[Back.->The Concession Area]]](else:)["Would you like to buy some apple cider?" the vendor asks.
[["One cup of hot apple cider, please."->Buy AC]]
[["No, thank you."->The Concession Area]]](if: $hcvoucher >0)["Ah, I see you have a voucher for a free hot chocolate," the vendor says. "Would you like whipped cream?"
(set: $hcvoucher to $hcvoucher-1)
[["Yes, please."->Whipped Cream]]
[["No, thank you."->No Whipped Cream]]](else:)["Would you like to buy a hot chocolate?" the vendor asks.
[["One cup of hot chocolate, please."->Buy HC]]
[["No, thank you."->The Concession Area]]]The vendor adds a generous squirt of whipped cream to the steaming beverage, then carefully presses on a lid. "Here you go! Enjoy!"
(set: $hotchocolatewhipped to $hotchocolatewhipped+1)
[[Back.->The Concession Area]]The vendor carefully presses on a lid and hands it to you. "Here you go! Enjoy!"
(set: $hotchocolateplain to $hotchocolateplain+1)
[[Back.->The Concession Area]]You sit in the metal folding chair in front of the face painter. She picks up a bottle of red paint and squirts some onto a palette, then does the small with orange, yellow, and black.
"Close your eyes," she says. You close your eyes.
You feel the cool softness of the paintbrush on your face. She traces from the top of your nose, around your eyebrow, and back under your eye, then repeats the process on the other side. She fills in the shapes with soft, consistent strokes.
Then she makes similar shapes on your cheeks and fills those in.
After that, she adds some swirls to the sides of your face.
"Would you like glitter?" she asks.
[["Yes, please."->Glitter Fairy]]
[["No, thanks."->No Glitter Fairy]](if: $facepainting is 0)[You approach the face painting stand. "Hi! Would you like to get your face painted?"
[["Maybe later."->The Vendor Stalls]]
[["No, thank you."->The Vendor Stalls]] ](elseif: $facepainting is 1)[The face painter smiles at you. "I hope you like your design! Come back next year!"
[[Back.->The Vendor Stalls]]]"What design would you like?" A board next to her shows three options.
[["Autumn fairy."->Autumn Fairy]]
[["Jack-o'-lantern."->Jack-o'-lantern]]"Hold your breath," she says, and you do. She dusts your face with glitter.
"Okay, you can open your eyes now," she says. You open your eyes, and she hands you a mirror.
A beautiful mask in autumn colors has been expertly painted onto your face. The shapes comprising the mask resemble autumn leaves, and the edges feature intricate black swirls. The mask sparkles with a light dusting of gold glitter.
"Thank you so much!" you say.
(set: $facepainting to 1)
[[Back.->The Vendor Stalls]]"Okay, you can open your eyes now," she says. You open your eyes, and she hands you a mirror.
A beautiful mask in autumn colors has been expertly painted onto your face. The shapes comprising the mask resemble autumn leaves, and the edges feature intricate black swirls.
"Thank you so much!" you say.
(set: $facepainting to 1)
[[Back.->The Vendor Stalls]]<center>(css: "font-size: 200%")["''//BOO//''!"]</center>
Your friend jumps out of the corn waving their arms.
[[You jump back, startled. "Aaahhh!"->Startled Not Scared]]
[["You're going to have to do better than that."->Not Impressed]]Your friend laughs hysterically, gripping their sides. "You're so easy to scare, $name!"
You roll your eyes. "I was startled, not scared."
"Yeah, yeah," they say.
[["Come on, let's finish the maze."->Giant Pumpkin]]This is a story with more than just you in it. What should your friend's name be?
(You can pick the name of a real friend, a fictional character, just a name you really like...or anything, really.)
[[My friend's name is...->Set Friend Name]](set: $friendname to (prompt: "Enter your friend's name:"))Your friend shrugs. "I tried. You're too hard to scare, $name."
[["Come on, let's finish the maze."->Giant Pumpkin]](set: $spins to $spins+1) (set: $result to (random:1,9)) (if: $result is 1)["You win a free kettle corn! Take this voucher to the concession area to collect your prize!" (set: $kcvoucher to 1)](if: $result is 2)["You win a free mini pumpkin! Here you go!" He hands you a tiny orange pumpkin. (set: $minipumpkin to 1)](if: $result is 3)["You win a free apple fritters! Take this voucher to the concession area to collect your prize!" (set: $afvoucher to 1)](if: $result is 4)["You win a free witch's hat! Here you go!" He hands you a black witch's hat. (set: $witchhat to 1)](if: $result is 5)["You win a free candy or caramel apple! Take this voucher to the concession area to collect your prize!" (set: $cavoucher to 1)](if: $result is 6)["You win a free poster! Here you go!" He hands you a nice poster that says "Harvest Festival 2020" in large, fancy lettering, with art of an overflowing cornucopia below it. (set: $poster to 1)](if: $result is 7)["You win a free hot apple cider! Take this voucher to the concession area to collect your prize!" (set: $acvoucher to 1)](if: $result is 8)["You win a free packet of candy corn! Here you go!" He hands you a snack-size bag of candy corn. (set: $candycorn to 1)](if: $result is 9)["You win a free hot chocolate! Take this voucher to the concession area to collect your prize!" (set: $hcvoucher to 1)]
[[Back.->The Vendor Stalls]]You pick up the small pumpkin.
(set: $pumpkin to 1)(set: $pumpkinsize to "small")(set: $decoration to 0)
There's a pavilion nearby for decorating pumpkins.
Two pumpkins resting on the ground decorate the entrance to the pavilion. The pumpkin on the left is painted to look like a witch's face, with bright green skin and a real black conical hat resting on top. The pumpkin on the right is painted to look like a ghost, white with a goofy expression. Inside the pavilion, various art supplies are strewn across the picnic tables.
[[Enter the pavilion.->Pumpkin Decorating Pavilion]]
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]You pick out a medium-size pumpkin.
(set: $pumpkin to 1)(set: $pumpkinsize to "medium")(set: $decoration to 0)
There's a pavilion nearby for decorating pumpkins.
Two pumpkins resting on the ground decorate the entrance to the pavilion. The pumpkin on the left is painted to look like a witch's face, with bright green skin and a real black conical hat resting on top. The pumpkin on the right is painted to look like a ghost, white with a goofy expression. Inside the pavilion, various art supplies are strewn across the picnic tables.
[[Enter the pavilion.->Pumpkin Decorating Pavilion]]
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]You carefully pick up the heavy pumpkin.
(set: $pumpkin to 1)(set: $pumpkinsize to "large")(set: $decoration to 0)
There's a pavilion nearby for decorating pumpkins.
Two pumpkins resting on the ground decorate the entrance to the pavilion. The pumpkin on the left is painted to look like a witch's face, with bright green skin and a real black conical hat resting on top. The pumpkin on the right is painted to look like a ghost, white with a goofy expression. Inside the pavilion, various art supplies are strewn across the picnic tables.
[[Enter the pavilion.->Pumpkin Decorating Pavilion]]
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]](if: $cavoucher >0)["Ah, I see you have a voucher for a free candy or caramel apple," the vendor says. "Would you like candy or caramel?"
(set: $cavoucher to $cavoucher-1)
[["Candy, please."->Candy Apple]]
[["Caramel, please."->Caramel Apple]]](else:)["Would you like to buy a candy or caramel apple?" the vendor asks.
[["Candy, please."->Candy Apple]]
[["Caramel, please."->Caramel Apple]]
[["No, thank you."->The Concession Area]]]"With peanuts or without?"
[["No nuts."->No Nuts]]The vendor hands you a caramel apple coated in crushed peanuts. "Here you go!"
(set: $caramelapplenuts to $caramelapplenuts+1)
[[Back.->The Concession Area]]The vendor hands you a plain caramel apple. "Here you go!"
(set: $caramelappleplain to $caramelappleplain+1)
[[Back.->The Concession Area]](if: $ticketpunches <2)[A man stands in front of a wheel divided into nine equal sections. "Only one spin per person!" he says. "Just show me your ticket to spin the wheel."
[[Show him your ticket.->Ticket Punched]]
[[Go back.->The Vendor Stalls]]](elseif: $ticketpunches is 2)["Hope you like your prize! Come back next year!"
[[Go back.->The Vendor Stalls]]]<center>(css: "font-size: 200%")[''//Harvest Festival//'']
An Interactive Story
[[Begin->Outside the Fairgrounds]]
(set: $ticket to 0)
(set: $ticketpunches to 0)
(set: $cornmaze to 0)
(set: $hayride to 0)
(set: $spins to 0)
(set: $kcvoucher to 0)
(set: $afvoucher to 0)
(set: $cavoucher to 0)
(set: $acvoucher to 0)
(set: $hcvoucher to 0)
(set: $minipumpkin to 0)
(set: $witchhat to 0)
(set: $poster to 0)
(set: $candycorn to 0)
(set: $facepainting to 0)
(set: $kettlecorn to 0)
(set: $applefritters to 0)
(set: $candyapple to 0)
(set: $caramelapplenuts to 0)
(set: $caramelappleplain to 0)
(set: $applecider to 0)
(set: $hotchocolatewhipped to 0)
(set: $hotchocolateplain to 0)
(set: $pumpkin to 0)
(set: $decoration to 0)
(set: $decoratedpumpkin to 0)(set: $ticketpunches to $ticketpunches+1) "Ah, perfect!" he says. He punches your ticket and hands it back to you. "Go ahead!"
[[Spin the wheel.->Game of Chance Result]]<center>''//Credits//''
This story was created using Twine version 2.1.3. The story format is Harlowe 1.2.4.
© 2020 BMK
Thanks for reading!</center>You walk for a while and turn a corner before coming to another junction.
Which way do you go?
[[Left->Maze 4]]
[[Forward->Maze 5]]
[[Right->Maze 6]]It's a dead end.
[[Return to last junction.->Maze 1]]It's a dead end.
[[Return to last junction.->Maze 2]]It's a dead end.
[[Return to last junction.->Maze 2]]You walk for a while before coming to another junction.
Which way do you go?
[[Left->Maze 7]]
[[Forward->Maze 8]]You walk for a while before coming to another junction.
Which way do you go?
(if: $cornmaze is 0)[[[Left->Boo]]](else:)[[[Left->Giant Pumpkin]]]
[[Forward->Maze 9]]It's a dead end.
[[Return to last junction.->Maze 6]]It's a dead end.
[[Return to last junction.->Maze 7]]You continue down the path, and it lets out into a small courtyard featuring the biggest pumpkin you've ever seen. You take a few moments to admire it before continuing onward.
[[Exit the courtyard.->Maze 10]]Which way do you go?
[[Forward->Maze 13]]
[[Right->Maze 14]]You come to another junction. Which way do you go?
[[Forward->Maze 15]]
[[Right->Maze 16]]
[[Back->Maze 10]]Which way do you go?
[[Left->Maze 11]]
[[Forward->Maze 12]]It's a dead end.
[[Return to last junction.->Maze 11]]After a short walk, the corn opens up. Congratulations! You finished the corn maze!
(set: $cornmaze to $cornmaze+1)
(if: $cornmaze is 1)["Hey, I should go find my siblings," your friend says. "I'll catch up with you later, okay?"
[[Take the path back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]](elseif: $cornmaze >1)[[[Take the path back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]]It's a dead end.
[[Return to last junction.->Maze 12]]It's a dead end.
[[Return to last junction.->Maze 12]]You have:
(if: $ticket>0)[$ticket ticket(s) with $ticketpunches punch(es) in it](if: $kcvoucher>0)[
$kcvoucher voucher(s) for free kettle corn](if: $afvoucher>0)[
$afvoucher voucher(s) for free apple fritters](if: $cavoucher>0)[
$cavoucher voucher(s) for a free candy or caramel apple](if: $acvoucher>0)[
$acvoucher voucher(s) for a free hot apple cider](if: $hcvoucher>0)[
$hcvoucher voucher(s) for a free hot chocolate](if: $kettlecorn>0)[
$kettlecorn bag(s) of kettle corn](if: $applefritters>0)[
$applefritters bag(s) of apple fritters](if: $candyapple>0)[
$candyapple candy apple(s)](if: $caramelapplenuts>0)[
$caramelapplenuts caramel apple(s) with nuts](if: $caramelappleplain>0)[
$caramelappleplain caramel apple(s) without nuts](if: $hotapplecider>0)[
$hotapplecider cup(s) of hot apple cider](if: $hotchocolatewhipped>0)[
$hotchocolatewhipped cup(s) of hot chocolate with whipped cream](if: $hotchocolateplain>0)[
$hotchocolateplain cup(s) of hot chocolate without whipped cream](if: $minipumpkin>0)[
$minipumpkin mini pumpkin(s)](if: $witchhat>0)[
$witchhat witch's hat(s)](if: $poster>0)[
$poster commemorative poster(s)](if: $candycorn>0)[
$candycorn packet(s) of candy corn](if: $pumpkin>0)[
$pumpkin undecorated pumpkin(s)](if: $decoratedpumpkin>0)[
$decoratedpumpkin decorated pumpkin(s)]
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)The vendor takes a metal scoop and fills a paper bag with kettle corn. "Here you go!"
(set: $kettlecorn to $kettlecorn+1)
[[Back.->The Concession Area]]The vendor fills a small bag with apple fritters and hands it to you. "Enjoy!"
(set: $applefritters to $applefritters+1)
[[Back.->The Concession Area]]The vendor carefully fills a small cup, presses on the lid, and hands it to you. "Be careful, it's hot!"
(set: $applecider to $applecider+1)
[[Back.->The Concession Area]]"Would you like whipped cream?"
[["Yes, please."->Whipped Cream]]
[["No, thank you."->No Whipped Cream]]Here in the forest, you're able to truly enjoy the dazzling colors of the season. Light filters through the vibrant yellow, orange, and red leaves overhead.
(set: $randomevent to (random:1,4))(if: $randomevent is 1)[You spot a giant mushroom growing on a log.](elseif: $randomevent is 2)[A squirrel scampers up a tree.](elseif: $randomevent is 3)[A small bird hops around in the grass.](elseif:$randomevent is 4)[You catch a glimpse of a red fox as it darts behind a bush.]
You pass by a small babbling brook and listen to the gentle sound of the moving water.
[[You emerge from the forest.->River]]After a fun day at the fair, you're ready to go home and get some rest.
As you leave, you notice a tree full of crows. The birds caw at each other and occasionally flutter from branch to branch. One of them stops moving for a moment and seems to make eye contact with you.
You watch the sun set behind the trees as you make your way home. Nightfall is fast approaching, and the wind sends a shiver down your spine. You're looking forward to curling up next to a crackling fire and drifting off to sleep.
The End
//[[Credits]]//(if: $decoration is 0)[The picnic tables inside the pavilion offer a variety of art supplies: permanent markers, masking tape, stencils, glitter glue, loose glitter, paint, and paintbrushes of every size.
What's your pumpkin decorating style?
[[You're careful and precise.->Careful and Precise]]
[[You figure it out as you go.->As You Go]]
[[Your style is chaotic and abstract.->Chaotic and Abstract]]
[[Nevermind...I don't want to decorate my pumpkin right now.->Fair Center]]](if: $decoration is 1)[You collect your decorated pumpkin. (set: $decoration to 2)(set: $decoratedpumpkin to 1)
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]](elseif: $decoratedpumpkin is 1)[You have already collected your decorated pumpkin.
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]]You start by writing your initials on the top near the stem so that you won't lose track of which pumpkin is yours. You think for a few moments about what design you want to paint, and you pick out which colors you want to use in advance. You trace an outline and then neatly fill in the shapes. You add the finishing touches, then leave it to dry.
(set: $decoration to 1)(set: $pumpkin to 0)
Return to the pavilion later to pick up your pumpkin when it's dry.
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]You pick a color that you're drawn to and start painting, going along with whatever seems to take shape. As you finish up, you add a few last decorative flourishes before setting it to dry.
(set: $decoration to 1)(set: $pumpkin to 0)
Return to the pavilion later to pick up your pumpkin when it's dry.
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]You brush, dab, splash, and dribble paint all over your pumpkin in whatever way your inspiration leads you. Your finished pumpkin is colorful and unique. It'll take a while to dry, though.
(set: $decoration to 1)(set: $pumpkin to 0)
Return to the pavilion later to pick up your pumpkin when it's dry.
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]](if: $nofooter is true)[](else:)[(align: "=======><=")[[[Inventory]]]]You sit in the metal folding chair in front of the face painter. She picks up a bottle of gray paint and adds a large squirt to her palette, then adds smaller portions of white, blue, and black.
"Close your eyes," she says. You close your eyes.
You feel the cool softness of the paintbrush on your face. She starts with the tip of your nose and works outward, creating a shape around your mouth, then around each of your eyes. Then, she fills in the rest of your face with soft, consistent strokes, stopping occasionally to change colors.
"Would you like glitter?" she asks.
[["Yes, please."->Glitter Wolf]]
[["No, thanks."->No Glitter Wolf]]"Hold your breath," she says, and you do. She dusts your face with glitter.
"Okay, you can open your eyes now," she says. You open your eyes, and she hands you a mirror.
A wolf's face has been expertly painted onto your own. Careful combinations of white, gray, blue, and black strokes create an impressively fur-like effect. The tip of your nose is painted black, and below that is the facade of a muzzle and whiskers. The paint sparkles with a light dusting of silver glitter.
"Thank you so much!" you say.
(set: $facepainting to 1)
[[Back.->The Vendor Stalls]]"Okay, you can open your eyes now," she says. You open your eyes, and she hands you a mirror.
A wolf's face has been expertly painted onto your own. Careful combinations of white, gray, blue, and black strokes create an impressively fur-like effect. The tip of your nose is painted black, and below that is the facade of a muzzle and whiskers.
"Thank you so much!" you say.
(set: $facepainting to 1)
[[Back.->The Vendor Stalls]]You sit in the metal folding chair in front of the face painter. She picks up a bottle of orange paint and adds a large squirt to her palette, then adds smaller portions of green, black, and white.
"Close your eyes," she says. You close your eyes.
You feel the cool softness of the paintbrush on your face. She starts with a few strokes of paint to your forehead, then traces triangle shapes around each of your eyes and fills those in. Then, she begins coating the rest of your face with paint, using soft, consistent strokes. She finishes off with a few more details.
"Would you like glitter?" she asks.
[["Yes, please."->Glitter Jack]]
[["No, thanks."->No Glitter Jack]]"Hold your breath," she says, and you do. She dusts your face with glitter.
"Okay, you can open your eyes now," she says. You open your eyes, and she hands you a mirror.
A jack-o'-lantern has been expertly painted onto your face. There's a green stem and a stray vine at the top of your forehead and black triangles around your eyes. Some skillful detailing with white and black paint adds some shape and shadow. Your face sparkles with a light dusting of gold glitter.
"Thank you so much!" you say.
(set: $facepainting to 1)
[[Back.->The Vendor Stalls]]"Okay, you can open your eyes now," she says. You open your eyes, and she hands you a mirror.
A jack-o'-lantern has been expertly painted onto your face. There's a green stem and a stray vine at the top of your forehead and black triangles around your eyes. Some skillful detailing with white and black paint adds some shape and shadow.
"Thank you so much!" you say.
(set: $facepainting to 1)
[[Back.->The Vendor Stalls]]"$name! Wait!" your friend calls after you, running up to you holding something. "You forgot your pumpkin!" They hand you the pumpkin.
[["Oh, thanks!"->Forgot Your Pumpkin 2]]"No problem," your friend says. "See you around!"
[[Leave the fair.->Go Home]]You find yourself on the banks of a magnificent river. Across the river, tree-covered mountains tower. The reflection of the mountain scenery in the water is dazzling.
Rocks of various sizes occupy the river's edge. Leaves flutter on the autumn wind and come to float on the water's surface.
After following the river for a while, you wrap back around in the direction of the fairgrounds. The wagon passes through an opening in the trees, crosses another grassy field, and comes to a stop in front of the pumpkin patch.
"Hope you enjoyed your ride," says the driver, tipping his hat. You climb down.
(set: $hayride to $hayride+1)
[[Enter the pumpkin patch.->The Pumpkin Patch]]
[[Go back to the fair center.->Fair Center]]You take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp autumn air. The sky is clear and blue, and the sun beats down cheerily over everything. The trees are bedecked in fiery hues, but the breeze that sweeps past you is chilly. There's a slight nip to the air, but you're warm in your cozy sweater.
You're standing in the grassy area outside the fairgrounds. Ahead of you, an enormous arch made of branches and leaves twisted together marks the entrance to the fair. A few bales of hay and pumpkins of various sizes decorate each side.
Before you can enter the fair, you need to get your ticket. You ordered yours online, so all you need to do is go to the booth for online reservations and collect your ticket.
[[Approach the booth.->Ticket Booth]]